Happy Thanksgiving friends! I pray you are able to gather with some of the people you are blessed to have in your life today too! These are a few of mine…
We are traveling the interstate right now to have a big gathering with Steve’s side of the family. Steve is driving, the kids are watching movies and I am enjoying some downtime.
I have been reflecting over the year we have had and as I was reflecting, one of the songs on the new CD kept coming to mind. Each line of the verses starts out with the words “Thank you, Jesus…” and I thought it would be a good Thanksgiving song to send out to you. I am truly thankful for my life, despite some clouds.
I wrote the song with Craig Mozley for my mother-in-law’s wedding. Though the original story was about Gunnie and Lyle, I have come to learn it is a lot of people’s story, even mine. I love how God does that!
Below is the link to a video recording of my One Fine Day Band friends performing the song with me last summer. You may need to copy and paste the link into your browser to view it. (Sorry, I am limited to what I can do from my phone.) 😬 Just in case you are unable to view the video, here is the story (lyrics)…
I’ll Follow You Still
by Taunya Todd & Craig Mozley
Thank you, Jesus, for the blessings you give…my cup overflows with this life that I live. Thank you, Jesus, you gave your life on the the cross…with your arms open wide, you made a way for the lost.
(Chorus) You gave what I don’t deserve, so I’ll live praising your name. And I’ll serve and follow you always. Whatever your will, I’ll follow you still.
Thank you, Jesus, for the children I’ve known…I’ll point them to you and pray they’ll serve you on their own. Thank you, Jesus, for the gray clouds you part…for shining your light on my once broken heart.
(Bridge) I never had planned my life would turn out this way…still I’ll follow your leading so grateful to say….
Thank you, Jesus, I stand amazed here today…another chance you have given to love and honor this way. Thank you, Jesus, for the sweet hands I hold…for the time that we share in the future you hold…
(Repeat Chorus 2x)
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Thank you again, Taunya, for the very meaningful song, even more so after these past 2 years. We could continue to Count our Blessings and say God is good! Amen!
He is so good indeed! It has been amazing to watch you two love and care for each other “in sickness and health”.