Connecting Through Fashion | May 1, 2015
It’s finally spring time here in Minnesota. The grass is beginning to green up and the trees are starting to bud out. It’s still possible that we can get some snow, but it won’t stick, so I’m gearing up for spring!
I love spring. It’s my favorite season of all! To me, spring represents the hope of what’s to come. The dying and dead of the fall & winter seasons are over, and with spring, comes new life and growth.
“ The flowers appear on the earth; The time of singing is come…” Song of Solomon 2:12
Ahh, Spring, you bring so many things that make me happy: warmer weather, flowers, singing, cute clothes… I love you, Spring.
One of the best parts of spring is the warmer weather. Finally, we can shed all the bulky, cold weather gear, especially socks. I really dislike socks.
As you sport a pair of sock-free footwear to go with your spring wardrobe, you may notice some of those “super-cute-on-the-hanger” items look a little frumpy. It’s not you, it’s the hemline. It’s stopping at an awkward spot on your legs.
So, here’s a secret that can rid your life of looking “frumpy” forever: diamonds! Not those precious ones your honey bought you, but the three you wear with your birthday suit. 😉 Let me explain how to find them.
Stand in front of a full-length mirror with your heels together and your toes pointing at ten and two. (You’ll look a bit like a duck, so go ahead and giggle at yourself while you’re at it!) You will notice there are three openings, or “diamonds”, where light shines through: one above your knees, one below your knees, and one below your calves. The centers of these “diamonds” are the perfect spots for your spring/summer hemlines to stop.
Now you can wear your shorts, capris, dresses and skirts in frump-free confidence! 🙂
Happy Spring!!
* This fashion secret was inspired by Shari Braendel and her book Help Me Jesus, I Have Nothing to Wear!
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